Apple Discontinues the iPod Nano and Shuffle

  • Company discontinues aging iPod nano and iPod shuffle lines
  • IPod touch storage capacities doubled to fit more apps, video

The iPod Nano in 2012.

Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
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After years of being outsold by the iPhone, the venerable iPod has taken a big step toward eventual oblivion. Apple Inc. said Thursday it was discontinuing two of the cheapest iPod models: the nano and shuffle.

The two products have been removed from the Apple online store and will vanish from retail locations as well. Apple demoted the iPod’s placement in its retail stores a couple of years ago, moving the devices to the company’s accessory shelves. The $149 nano and $49 shuffle were last updated with new colors in 2015, but the nano hasn’t been revamped since 2012 while the shuffle hasn’t been redesigned since 2010. The news arrives as the iPod regains a smidgen of pop cultural cachet thanks to the movie “Baby Driver,” in which the title character owns multiple vintage iPods and is rarely seen without earbuds.